Starting a new adventure in Star Hero, we find the team after some R&R from the last mission’s rewards. They are running low on funds and are hired to infiltrate a military science complex. The people hiring them have noticed that the opposing side of the planet-wide war seems to have had a sudden increase in technological might, and therefore might be breaking war crime laws about outside intervention. The group is given fake identities and passes to join the maintenance team at the complex.
On the ride, Alesanda meets a man named joseph who appears to have taken an interest in her and her cybernetics which were given attempts to obscure.

The team boards a van with no way to view out, and also appears to be shielded so they are not quite sure where they are once at the complex.The party passes security and is given temporary access badges and advised they will get a chip later.

After a night in the barracks, the group is given tasks. Alesanda and Joseph are set working repairing the outer wall of the complex, while Trinity and Rathon are given the job of repairing a faulty com system. Proteus assisted the medical staff set up a new first aid area.

The second night, there is an attack on the compound. In the confusion, the party goes exploring. They manage to sneak into a storage area and find pistols. As they have no equipment with them, they take and hide the weapons in their barracks area.

The day after the attack, they are told the maintenance foreman was injured and as Joseph fought bravely for the base, he is taking the job while the Foreman recovers. It is also revealed that another worker, “Emmett” was found snooping and executed for espionage.

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